Whew. Made it. ...Although... It occurs to me that I'm not exactly sure if Hourly Comic Days are becoming more strange, more normal or more eerily familiar. How can you tell? How do you know? Who do you ask? ...Are they becoming strangely normal or may be normally stranger? In any event, upper or lower case as the case may be, thanks for looking because you're always:
Welcome to have fun with my July 1, 2007 #005 Hourly Comic Day; Life Imitates Art.
As always, click the panels if you want to read them.
...and mostly, have fun. - aloha - Wrick (...in case you dont get any further than this...)
Well? Strangely normal or eerily familiar? Despite encouragement to make a choice, voting on either will not alter the reality of my normal... ...or strange for that matter... it will simply define commitment to voting. However leaving a comment may be responded to in time. Have more fun. - aloha - Wrick
ok. it's July 1, 2007. i am working on my HCD. it may be delayed - normal for me - but it may be a while yet before i post them, (ok. ok. meaning days... but not toooooo many) i am scratching and scrambling and eeeking each panel out. so... if you dont see something here soon... watch... er... erm... for life. cause life... sometimes... imitates ART. that is... erm... it's a delayed wow. yes! sometimes. yes! have fun. that's the way it's supposed to be. . . aloha Wrick.