Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Victoria's May 2009 HCD

Heeeey everyone! I can't believe it - I'm back after India, and I just remembered Hourly Comic Day...apparently so did you all. Splendid.

Daaaayummmm, it's good to be here!

Above: front cover (is it obvious?)
Below: inside front cover - I have a tradition of making these into comic booklets. At 18 panels, I needed to make two additional, to work it all out properly on the photocopier format.

Below: I see it in my photo viewer, looks right side up. Dunno why it loaded sideways. Tilt your head! Watch the crick in your neck!

not again!! what's going on here....

yeargh...again with the sideways....

and too lazy to fix it :)

Back cover!

Now I'm off to read the rest of you's!


Wrick said...

aloha Victoria

clearly you havnt lost any of your humor or ability to draw for not drawing and being away for a year.

i like the conversation(s) with self. and your interactions with the people around you - especially the drawings of people and how funny we are as human beings. way cool.

welcome back. ...a postage stamp apartment... no wonder it was a good price. . . i hope you find a great light place.

have fun. aloha - Wrick

Victoria Koldewyn said... way.....I didn't respond to this? egads. a very belated hello and all that, I did find a wonderful little studio...and I'm trying to revive this comic project! hope you're doing good on the island!